Complex The Imp Zone Game Club Community Pack
- Game Mode: Survival with ammo respawn.
- Additional Gameplay Mods: Complex Doom v27b2
- Useful Links: The Imp Zone Game Club Community Pack (DoomWorld Forums), Complex Doom Thread (ZDoom Forums)
- Comment: "The Something Awful video game sub-subforum IMP ZONE (no relation to the 1994 WAD (or is there?!?)) hosts a regular Game Club every month. In October 2023, I ran a community project for a big group of first-time mappers to flex their designing muscles and put together some DOOM levels.
This community pack is the result - all levels here were made in just 3 weeks in October 2023, and most entries were by total newcomers (myself excluded). Some participants had never even played Doom before! The creativity on display is quite remarkable, especially considering the time restraint and lack of practice.
This pack includes 25 levels by 17 authors. They run the gamut of modes and genres: vanilla action, puzzle maps, a weirdly high amount of specific video game parodies, slaughter, huge adventures, tower climbs, hubs & spokes, and more misaligned textures than you can shake a boomstick at. It is a fun peek into the mind of freshly-minted mappers with no inhibitions." 'Nuff said.